Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Which Way's Mexico City??

That's just a little joke, the idea is to bypass Mexico City at all costs. The convoy usually makes the trip thru the city at midnight, on a Sunday, to avoid the police and having to have the right number for the right day on your license plate. This time the plan was to go around. Our convoy had grown to around 25, some coming to San Miguel early, and others already across the border at Nuevo Laredo. This convoy is not a long line of cars and trailers, but usually small groups that string out because of pit stops, gas stops, and who ever has a chance to pass slow traffic.

We were up and running before dawn, Gerie again leading, with two routes picked out to take us east of the worlds biggest city. To accomplish that, we would be on some back country narrow roads, with big rigs and slow traffic, my favorites! It was another long day, 11 hours, of driving with a few wrong turns, missed exits, a hard rain outside Puebla, and some major construction delays before Oaxaca. We finally made the city just at dark, and I knew about where our hotel was located. The key word here is "about". We drove right past it, and into a major traffic jam. Some which way, we got the truck and trailer turned around and headed back the right direction, and before getting lost over again, I stopped a taxi and he led us to our hotel, The Victoria, which is on a hill that overlooks the city. After getting things unloaded and checked in, it was time for a beer or two and to watch the stragglers make their way home. We would have 3 days in Oaxaca for tech inspection, qualifying, and whatever else. Remember, the clutch was still an issue.
Next Time: Oaxaca and Technical Inspection

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