Monday, October 8, 2007

The Road to La Carrera Panamericana

I thought I'd give a little itinerary of what's happening once we leave Sonoma County. Our valiant crew will consist of, you probably guessed it, just Rick and myself. We have a third crew member who will join us in Oaxaca, but we couldn't find anyone to help with the long drive down. We're not sure if we will be meeting up with any other of the teams from Northern California, there are at least three, and I know there's a Volvo going from here in Santa Rosa. If all goes well, our journey will take us down through California to our first overnight stop in Phoenix. The next day will be a long hop to beautiful Fort Stockton, Texas. My time in Texas has been limited to crossing the border in El Paso, so seeing some of the central part of the state should be interesting, right.? Everybody say "right", and quit rolling your eyes! Then on to Laredo Texas, where we will meet with about twenty-some trailers for the border crossing. Being that we already have our tourist cards and car permits, we have one less thing to worry about, I hope, but you never know about border crossings.
The next part of the journey will take us across the border through Nuevo Laredo to Monterrey, Saltillo, San Luis Potosi and finally to San Miguel Allende. That's one long day of driving! We'll take a break here for a couple of days, participate in a car show benefit, and rest up for the final leg. That one will take us around Mexico City, to Puebla and down across the mountains to the city of Oaxaca.
Oaxaca is one of my favorite cities in Mexico, or anywhere else for that matter. It's probably grown some since I was there last, about 6 or 7 years ago, and it has lots of things to discover, if you have the time. The town itself is great to just walk around, cobblestone streets and Colonial architecture, it has the real feel of old Mexico. The Zocalo or main plaza is a spot for people watching and the Cathedrals near by are awesome. The Zapotec ruins of Monte Alban and the Mixtec's Mitla are really spectacular. They have one of the great "mercados" or big open markets anywhere in Mexico, there's a little bit of everything there. And being from a wine producing county, I've seen a few tasting rooms, and Oaxaca is loaded with small family owned makers of Mescal, Tequila's first cousin. If you want to get messed up, Mescal is for you! And don't forget the food, Mole sauce is one of the specialities and if a place called "Taco Roy's "is still around, YUM! There's just all kind of stuff to see and do, it's a place not to miss if you come to Mexico.
From here, we will start the Carrera and in 7 days, make our way back to the Texas border.

Next Time: The Race


1 comment:

Gary Faules said...

Will and I are on the evning of the 16th and will arrive early in Phoenix.