Thursday, March 15, 2007

It starts, It runs!!

The news from the pits is good, the car starts and drives, hallelujah!! It didn't go far, mind you, just around the block, but it works!
There's something satisfying and very exhilarating about starting a big performance motor for the first time. Putting in that first can of gas, switch on the electric fuel pump, ignition switch on, and push the starter button. Oh yea! A little POP, maybe a touch of flame coming out the carburetor, a turn on the distributor to get the timing close, and OH BABY, what a sound!
This puppy doesn't have mufflers yet and only has the exhaust to just past the Dr. Gas X pipe, so things were quite loud, make that invigorating to hear. I'm sure the neighbors were thrilled.
The check list is getting smaller and in a few days this critter should be out for some serious road testing. We've got to be in Chihuahua in less than 30 days.
Next Time: Old dog, new tricks

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