Saturday, December 30, 2006

How Many Points Does a Roll Cage Have?

It's a trick question, one answer being, somewhere between four and as many as possible. Some of the pictures of La Carrera cars I've seen have what look like 12 or more.
And what the heck is a point anyway? It's the mounting point on the frame or chassis where the roll cage attaches. Pure education here.
OK, so, roll cage, shhmole cage, who needs one anyway? Well, it's a safety thing to protect the driver and co-driver from being whacked in an accident, particularly in a roll-over. We don't want the 'ol cabeza all scratched up after sliding down Mt. Popocatepetl and a photo session with the Corona girls coming up. And, it's in the rules, the rules say you must have at least a 6-pointer. The other thing it does is to stiffen the chassis, which is what you want in a race car.
I could go into ERW's, DOM's, Chrome-moly...... blah, blah, blah, borrring, who cares, it's time to finish this and go on to - let get this thing painted so we can get a sponsor or two.
Here's a few pictures of our intrepid welding crew giving the business to the Chevy.

Alright, so now you're dazzled by all this thinking, " maybe they got something goin here, where's all that spare change I've been saving". Just you wait and see.

NEXT TIME: "Pick me, I'm clean" F.Z.

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